Acne Killer,Acne Gone

Acne Killer,Acne Gone

You must have a lot of clients who suffer from acne. It’s time for a new solution for them. The latest combination therapy helps your client remove acne, kill bacteria, reduce inflammation, remove acne marks and even regain confidence.

Sincoheren IPL helps with acne by suppressing the number of Propioni-bacterium and inhibiting sebaceous gland secretion. Its thermal action can also speed up the resolution of inflammation as well.

RF Microneedling can stimulates skin repair, while the radio frequency inside can inhibit the growth of Propioni-bacterium, destory the sebaceous glands, and accelerate local blood circulation. Thereby promoting the absorpotion of inflammation and ultimately eliminating acne.

The blue light of the LED machine is able to destroy Propionibacterium without damaging the skin, suppressing inflammation as well.

Combined therapy through machines. Provide customers with faster, more effective and more professional treatment programs. Let customers trust you more. Let your business flourish through our machines.

Post time: Oct-12-2022